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  • Case Study: HockeyEd


    Through funding under the ActiveKIT program, Hockey Queensland launched a new and improved platform as part of their National Education Framework.

    In 2023, Hockey Queensland announced the HockeyEd system, powered by etrainu and revolutioniseSPORT would enhance and streamline the learning and user experience. The HockeyEd accreditation programs are delivered in a combination of formats including online learning, practical sessions, self-development activities and workshop training. A project that has been over 2 years in the making following a thorough discovery and implementation process, the new HockeyEd platform has been customised to reflect the upskilling and education pathways in hockey. The new pathway will feature a modern user interface and include a skills passport which stores and tracks qualifications that users have gained. 


    The launch of the new HockeyEd system follows the development of Hockey Queensland’s new coaching and officiating framework, to ensure coaches, officials and the wider hockey community have access to a quality learning management solution. The HockeyEd meets this need. It has a platform that encompasses national coach, umpire and technical accreditation training. Decreasing numbers of volunteers and barriers for people to access quality education and professional development has been referenced as one of Hockey’s major challenges across strategic planning sessions as well as member and association surveys. Addressing the need to grow and retain capable staff and volunteers to fill critical roles such as coaches, officials and administrators was paramount in driving the development of the HockeyEd system. 

    Project implementation  

    Hockey Queensland’s state member associations played a significant role in the development of the HockeyEd system. Hockey Queensland drew upon the expertise of a host of talented people working in their member associations, and also received some financial investment from Hockey Queensland. This is reflective of the collaborative nature in which Australian hockey organisations work and shows the benefits of a common vision and solution. Volunteers and the workforce of Hockey Queensland will now be able to learn in a manner that meets their needs and allows them to follow their interests. Best of all they will have an improved user experience with a single sign on and all of their learning history will be in their user profile.  Hockey Australia announced etrainu as the preferred Learning Management System (LMS) partner in 2021. The support of global leaders in community education solutions has been crucial in the launch of the new and approved HockeyEd.  

    To develop Hockey Qld’s HockeyEd platform, key activities included: 

    • Aligning content for accredited courses with Hockey Australia 
    • Ensuring all clubs and member associations were listed in the online platform 
    • Creating a single ‘sign-on’ of integration between the Learning Management System and the membership database 
    • Conducting a consultation phase to engage stakeholders and create a feeling of engagement and ownership. 

    Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning  

    The new platform has been integrated with revolutioniseSPORT, Hockey Australia’s online management platform. Users will have a single profile, with their qualifications and accreditations syncing across both platforms. This partnership between revolutioniseSPORT, Hockey Australia and etrainu will provide the best-in-class integrated membership and learning solution to the Hockey community. The customer experience we can provide is one that will allow players, officials and the wider hockey community to have a seamless experience in consuming hockey content and furthering their personal learning. Hockey Queensland engaged its members and stakeholders in the development of HockeyEd through multiple consultation processes including coaching conferences, workshops, officials’ strategy days, State Championships, Committee and Policy Reviews, Association President’s meetings and individual expert consultation. 

    Funding and resources  

    Accessing ActiveKIT funding provided the necessary opportunity to invest in a commercial online platform to provide accessible, quality content for all hockey stakeholder groups integrated with the membership administration software and embedded in the National Education Framework. 

    Key Insights 

    Key partners for the development of Hockey Queensland’s National Coaching Framework were Hockey Australia, as the leading entity for education and accreditation courses for hockey, vendors for Learning Management System (etrainu) and the Membership Administration System (revolutioniseSport). All partners were crucial in achieving an integrated model making the final product as easy and accessible as possible while providing quality content. Consultation and collaboration with these partners within timeframes, and collaboration with the hockey community, was necessary for finding the balance between the technical side of the portal, the educational framework and the course content to meet consumer needs. 

    Next steps and implications for others  

    The accredited across the Development, Advanced and Performance levels will be developed throughout 2023, with current courses on the HockeyEd platform including: 

    • The Foundation Facilitator (Foundation Mentor & Educator content), Foundation Support Coach (previously Community), Foundation Lead Coach (previously Level 1), Foundation Support Umpire (previously Community) and Foundation Lead Umpire (previously Level 1) courses. 
    • Marketing of HockeyEd will continue with HockeyEd being embedded in Hockey Queensland’s key activities in 2023 including State Education Week (24–28 October), online access to conferences, mandatory requirements to fulfill courses if nominating for appointed positions and a social media campaign. 

    Further information   

    Hockey Queensland 


    Key contact details  

    Alison Lyons, CEO, Hockey Qld 
    Margaret Dilger, Education and Pathways Manager, Hockey Qld  
    Email: hqoffice@hockeyqld.com.au 
    Phone: (07) 3399 6577 
    Address: 400/420 Lytton Rd, Morningside QLD 4170 
    Postal: PO Box 246 Morningside QLD 4170 

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