Who we are

A bold new idea to make healthy happen.

Who we are

A bold new idea to make healthy happen.

Our story
Our story

We began as a simple idea for a health promotion agency.

We began as a simple idea for a health promotion agency.

Health and Wellbeing Queensland was established in July 2019 to improve the health and wellbeing of all Queenslanders and reduce health inequities.

We work in partnership with the Queensland health system to reduce the impacts of chronic disease, especially for those who unfairly experience poorer health due to circumstances that are out of their control.

We know that shifting the balance of focus towards improving health and wellbeing, as well as optimising healthcare, is critical to creating a healthier and more sustainable future.

We are committed to working in partnership across government, communities and other sectors to address the underlying factors that drive chronic ill-health through collaborative, evidence-based and community-focused action.

Together, we can create a future where all Queenslanders have the best chance to lead a healthier life, no matter who they are or where they live.

Our why

Obesity is an epidemic impacting people of all ages and backgrounds.

Since the 1970s, obesity rates have increased in every region in the world and no country has successfully reversed this trend. In Queensland, 2 in 3 adults and almost 1 in 3 children live with an unhealthy weight.

Obesity increases the risk of developing chronic disease such as type 2 diabetes, osteo-arthritis, heart disease and stroke, kidney disease, dementia and some cancers. Chronic disease accounts for half of all hospitalisations in Australia, contributes to 90 per cent of preventable deaths and is the largest contributor to disability.

Most causes of obesity are beyond an individual’s control. It is driven by complex commercial, economic, political, social and cultural factors, which is why we need to work together to create meaningful change.

By shifting the systems that are not supportive of a healthy weight, we can start to turn the tide on generational obesity and make healthy happen for every Queenslander.

Last updated 12 December 2024