Clinicians Hub
Helping clinicians to provide supportive and non-stigmatising weight management care.
Welcome to
Clinicians Hub
Clinicians Hub is here for you – our clinical workforce. We are empowering clinicians from a range of disciplines – medical, nursing and allied health – to address the challenges related to weight and health across the lifespan. We are supporting clinicians across all levels of healthcare to talk about, identify, prevent and manage unhealthy higher weights with confidence and impact. Clinicians Hub offers a variety of clinical tools, resources and training to help you transform health for children, adults and families.
Managing unhealthy weight is a challenge for both individuals and the healthcare system. In Queensland, two in three adults, and one in four children, live with overweight or obesity. It is crucial that we continuously improve our approach to addressing these health challenges and empowering individuals to achieve and maintain good health.
Our Model of Care outlines a systems wide approach for preventing, identifying and treating overweight and obesity in Queensland.
A step-by-step guide for prevention, early intervention and management of overweight and obesity for our on the ground workforce. Find tools, resources and information.
A suite of high quality and free healthy lifestyle programs to support positive health and wellbeing outcomes for your patients.
Our ECHO® Learning Series bring together experts and health professionals to share evidence-based knowledge, discuss cases, and develop new professional skills in the areas of health and wellbeing
Health and Wellbeing Queensland’s weight related terminology
We acknowledge that language plays an important role in shaping perceptions of weight and health. Based on comprehensive evidence reviews and broad consumer and stakeholder consultation, we have chosen to use the term ‘obesity’ to refer to the medical condition, and when reporting statistics.
Our commitment is to use relatable and respectful language, putting people before the condition and including positive language. We are dedicated to working together with individuals and experts to combat weight stigma and ensure our communication promotes positive, inclusive, and respectful dialogue.
Clinicians Hub is brought to you by Health and Wellbeing Queensland in partnership with Allied Health Profession’s Office of Queensland, Clinical Excellence Queensland.
Last updated 23 July 2024