Arrival of seasonal summer favourite deserving of mango mania

Fresh mangoes
  • Quality, affordable mangoes are in abundance at markets, grocers and supermarkets across Queensland 
  • Queensland’s mango season runs from late October to early April 
  • North Queensland and the North Coast Pick of the Crop schools mark the season with Mango Mania 

The smell of summer has hit greengrocers, markets and supermarkets with Queensland mangoes now on sale across the state. 

Pick of the Crop regional co-ordinator for North Queensland Helena De Bortoli said mangoes are delicious and nutritious – making the tropical fruit a perfect choice for kids and adults alike. 

Helena, from the Bowen Gumlu Growers Association (BGGA), joined forces with Bundaberg Fruit and Vegetable Growers Limited (BFVG) to mark mango season by creating Mango Mania, to recognise Queensland’s world-class mango industry and to celebrate the achievements of schools participating in Pick of the Crop

‘There’s no better way to celebrate than to enjoy the start of our North Queensland (NQ) mango season while delighting in the hard work our Pick of the Crop schools are doing to sustain the initiative at their school,’ Helena said. 

Supporting Pick of the Crop and Mango Mania, local grower Duncan Wills donated 13 trays of R2E2 mangoes for the events across NQ. Rutto’s Mangoes provided 16 trays of R2E2 mangoes for Bundaberg schools participating in Mango Mania.  

School students from across the regions also engaged in interactive learning, prepared healthy and delicious mango snacks, explored the mango’s orchard-to-plate journey with Pick of the Crop developed resources and activities, and enjoyed a visit from Kenny the Mango, Bowen Tourism’s iconic mascot. 

A group of school students from Clare State School stand in a playground with mascot, Kenny the Mango.
Students from Clare State School with Kenny the Mango.

‘The students loved seeing Kenny,’ Helena said. ‘He was inundated with hugs, fist pumps, and endless excitement by the students!’  

Queensland’s mango season runs from late October to early April, with four main varieties available: Kensington Pride, R2E2, Calypso and Honey Gold. 

About 22,000 tonnes of mangoes are grown in Queensland every year, making up about 43 per cent of Australia’s mango production1

Bowen Gumlu Growers Association and Bundaberg Fruit and Vegetable Growers Ltd supports Health and Wellbeing Queensland’s whole-school healthy eating initiative Pick of the Crop, which aims to increase opportunities for primary school students to learn about and eat more vegetables and fruit. 


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