Torres Strait Junior Dash is a winner

Some things you can’t dampen, like the enthusiasm of kids running! Despite COVID cancelling the Village Roadshow Theme Parks Gold Coast Marathon physical events, our virtual Junior Dash events have been a massive hit on Thursday Island and some of the outer Islands in the Torres Strait.
With co-sponsorship by the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport, local children were supported on Thursday Island by Torres Shire Council, TI Deadly runners and Torres Health. Torres Strait Island Regional Council’s Healthy Lifestyle Officers and their Manager Ella Kris have co-ordinated the events on outer islands.
Given its dry season in the region, the weather was perfect, the runners were amped and breakfast and water at the finish line was ready for the more than 50 children who took part in the Thursday Island dash.
The outer Islands ran smaller races, and the Healthy Lifestyle Officers, (whose role is to encourage health promotion and prevention opportunities) organinsed and promoted the events to provide their community another great opportunity to be active.
Events like these enable us to connect with children and families and provide a platform to deliver and reinforce messaging around the value of healthy food and drinks and physical activity.