GenQ Health and Wellbeing Grants for 27 children’s health initiatives

Health and Wellbeing Queensland (HWQld) has announced the recipients of GenQ Health and Wellbeing Grants who will now receive funding to develop and implement innovative ideas to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people.
The establishment of the statewide GenQ Health and Wellbeing Grants program has been supported through $1.6 million in funding from HWQld.
Of the 4 grant schemes under the GenQ Health and Wellbeing Grants program, recipients of 2 of the schemes were recently announced after a rigorous assessment process.
Health and Wellbeing Queensland Chief Executive Officer, Dr Robyn Littlewood, has announced a variety of organisations and initiatives who are working to enhance children’s and family health and wellbeing, through awarding the following grants:
- For the GenQ Health and Wellbeing Community Grants scheme 25 grants with a combined total of nearly $400,000 were awarded to support community-led initiatives across the state to improve the health and wellbeing of young Queenslanders, focusing on nutrition, physical activity, wellbeing and/or health equity.
- For the GenQ Health and Wellbeing Impact Grants scheme two grants with a combined total of nearly $400,000 were awarded to support innovative ideas or approaches with potential to influence health and wellbeing promotion and/or practice that leads to improved, sustainable and equitable health outcomes for young Queenslanders.
Dr Littlewood said both grant schemes attracted a strong response, with 144 applications submitted for the GenQ Health and Wellbeing Community Grants and 33 applications for the Impact Grants.
‘Through the GenQ Health and Wellbeing Grants program, Health and Wellbeing Queensland is delighted to support innovative ideas or approaches with potential to influence health and wellbeing promotion and/or practice that leads to improved, sustainable and equitable health and wellbeing outcomes for young Queenslanders,’ Dr Littlewood said.
‘The importance of the work being supported through our grants program cannot be overstated in developing a more responsive approach to supporting children’s and family health and wellbeing.
‘In establishing these grants it is my hope that we can raise the profile of the need to improve the health and wellbeing of young Queenslanders through supporting innovative approaches to nutrition, physical activity, wellbeing and reducing health inequity.
‘Health and Wellbeing Queensland works in partnership with stakeholders, the community and people such as the recipients of GenQ Health and Wellbeing Grants to achieve its Generation Queensland (GenQ) vision that sees children born today experiencing better health outcomes than the generations of Queenslanders before them.’
Funding applications for the Health and Wellbeing Queensland Strategic Grant scheme and the Health and Wellbeing PhD Top-up Scholarship open in 2024.
To find out more about the grants and the list of recipients please visit