Free health program Wellness my Way launches in South West Queensland

An older man is holding a young boy outside in a rural location.

A free program to improve health in regional Queensland by stopping health problems before they start has launched in the Maranoa Regional Council area.

Wellness my Way is a free health check, taken either online or over the phone, that looks at a person’s health risks from behaviours such as poor diet, physical inactivity, smoking, high alcohol consumption and mental health.

Participants are then contacted by a telephone health coach who will help them develop a personalised action plan and connect them to appropriate free and low cost locally available prevention programs for additional support.

One in two Queenslanders currently live with a chronic condition. Rates of chronic conditions are rising, negatively impacting quality of life, life expectancy and placing increased pressure on the health system.

Chronic conditions are largely preventable through positive health behaviours, but many people at risk of developing chronic conditions typically don’t access early intervention programs.

Health and Wellbeing Queensland Senior Health Practitioner Clare Johnson said Wellness my Way made it easier for the people of Maranoa to connect with evidence-based services that could give them a healthier future.

‘People’s health behaviours today can determine their future health. Their future health doesn’t just impact them, but their loved ones and the local community,’ Ms Johnson said.

‘This is help made easy. Through Wellness my Way, Maranoa locals can check-in on their health and receive support to improve their future health.’

The Wellness my Way program will run in the Maranoa Regional Council area from August 2024 until March 2025. The pilot program will be evaluated for consideration as an ongoing blueprint for regional support.

‘Regional and rural communities face a variety of health challenges including remoteness, which contributes to high rates of chronic conditions,’ Ms Johnson said.

‘We’re aiming to reach 1 in 5 people across the region with the Wellness my Way pilot, providing more efficient, accessible and affordable pathways to support the health and wellbeing of regional Queenslanders.’

Wellness my Way is an initiative of the Queensland Government, delivered in partnership by Health and Wellbeing Queensland, the Health Contact Centre and South West Hospital and Health Service.

The pilot program has been co-designed with over 50 community members including consumers and stakeholders from health and community settings

To complete the free online health check, visit or search “wellness my way”.

People can also take the health check on the phone by calling 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84) and asking for the Way to Wellness service (Monday – Friday, 8am – 8pm).

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