Top tips for healthy eating during COVID-19

Man reaching inside fridge for a piece of fruit

We can all boost our health during COVID-19 and beyond by making healthier food and drink choices. The best news is that healthy eating can be easy, affordable, and delicious! Here are our top tips for fuelling your day with healthy food and drinks.

Choose the right amount of healthy foods and drinks

Many of us aren’t burning off as much energy as normal because we’re still more likely to be housebound and spending more time sitting than before the COVID-19 restrictions.

Go for more veggies and fruit

Fruit and vegetables play a major role in keeping us healthy, especially at a time like now. They provide us with many of the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants we need for a strong immune system and overall good health.

  • Take small steps towards the recommended two serves of fruit and five serves of veggies a day. A helpful approach is to introduce one extra serve a day and gradually add another… and remember that any is better than none!
  • Choose fresh fruit and veggies that are in season – they’re more likely to be cheaper, locally grown, and higher in nutrients.
  • Always make sure you have fruit and veggies available – whether fresh, frozen or canned.
  • Get value out of your produce by using up your fresh fruit and veggies first.

Learn to cook and try new recipes

Staying safe at home gives us a chance to build confidence and new skills in preparing and cooking healthy recipes. Why not try a new recipe or adapt an old one with healthier ingredients? Get the whole family or household involved – it’s great for our health and wellbeing.

Drink more water

Drinking plenty of water every day is essential for our health and wellbeing. It’s cheap and convenient too, coming straight out of the tap!

  • Make water a morning habit – have a glass as soon as you wake up.
  • Carry a refillable water bottle with you everywhere and refill it throughout the day.
  • Drink water with every meal and in between.
  • Add a touch of flavour with sliced or frozen fruit such as watermelon, strawberries, a squeeze of lemon juice, or fresh herbs like mint.

Create a routine

A daily routine can boost our health and wellbeing and help us to eat a well-balanced diet. Take time to design each day with your health in mind and create your new ‘normal’.

  • Create and and maintain a healthy routine as much as possible.
  • Try creating a schedule each day with regular times for meals and drinking water.
  • Plan social catch ups where you can – try have a team lunch with a video call, or stop for a virtual coffee with a friend.

Are you trying new ways to boost your healthy eating during COVID-19? Share them on Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #BoostCampQld and inspire other Queenslanders to eat well!