Who should get involved?
- Are you passionate about the benefits of food and nutrition for your students?
- Are you looking to build on current food and nutrition actions, through a whole-school approach?
- Are you eager to broaden learning opportunities and support student health and wellbeing through food and nutrition?
If you answered yes to these questions, Pick of the Crop could be an exciting opportunity for your school.
Ideas you could implement
Since 2021, schools have been participating in Pick of the Crop by implementing a diverse range of locally-designed activities that suit their local community and environment. Here are 3 videos from North Queensland, produced by Bowen Gumlu Growers Association who host the Pick of the Crop Regional Coordinator for the region, and funded by Health and Wellbeing Queensland. Each school provides a unique perspective of their participation in the initiative.
- Rollingstone State School (video)
- Townsville West State School (video)
- Collinsville State School visits Lower Don Organics Farm in Bowen (video)
These short videos highlight some of the ideas you could implement in your school. Visit the News and Features page for more stories from Pick of the Crop schools too.
Thanks to Rollingstone State School, Townsville West State School and Collinsville State School for participating in these videos.