Workplace wellbeing, Business Southbank and how to increase your brain reaction time at work

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Our membership with Business Southbank saw us recently take part in its ongoing professional development and networking series, with a Work & Wellbeing Workshop hosted for member organisations and stakeholders.

We acknowledge the willingness of Business Southbank in putting health and wellbeing front and centre for its workforce. With both social and economic evidence in support of doing so, it is our goal that other member organisations will follow suit.

Our agenda is to promote the value of health and wellbeing to as many Queenslanders as possible—and one of the best ways we can do this is at leveraged events such as this, influencing the practices of organisation’s located at one of the state’s busiest precincts.

Given our range of experts, Dr Robyn Littlewood provided the opening address, outlining our own workplace initiatives, our commitment to developing and leading a strategy for Queenslanders in diverse workplaces across the state, and urging those present to invest in workplace wellbeing.

The evidence tells us workers are more productive, more engaged, absent less often and less likely to experience workplace injuries when health and wellbeing is part of their daily working lives.

Health and Wellbeing Queensland have implemented a range of workplace initiatives, which are currently being enjoyed, tested, trailed and evaluated by staff.

Initiatives include wellbeing champions; flexible working arrangements; a dog-friendly workplace; a health-promoting kitchen with fresh fruit; end of trip facilities for active travel; workplace challenges like 10,000 Steps; standing desks; walking meetings; and sanctioned meeting-free time where staff are encouraged to attend to their own health and wellbeing.

On evaluation, those wellbeing initiatives that have impact will form part of a toolbox for others to adapt or implement and will ultimately feed into a workplace wellbeing strategy due for release in 2022.

HWQld’s Mathew Dick, Principal Lead – Public Health Nutrition also delivered a session covering the benefits of healthy eating on mood, concentration and mental health, along with ideas to try at work. If you’d like to learn more about optimising your performance and wellbeing at work, we encourage you to watch Mat’s presentation.

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