HWQld and COVID-19

To our valued champions and partners,
As the COVID-19 situation evolves, nothing is more important to us than the health and wellbeing of Queenslanders.
This means, as Queensland’s response to the pandemic continues, we will be channelling our efforts into the following key areas where we believe we can make the biggest difference to our partners, communities, champions and workforces right now.
Workforce wellness
Keeping Queensland’s frontline health workforce healthy during this time is critical. It is so important that we look out for them, as they look after others. In the coming days and weeks, HWQld will be driving a campaign of positive wellness messaging designed to support our workforces, and especially those at the frontline, in building healthy habits around sleep, movement, nutrition, and mental health and wellbeing.
Connecting communities
We continue to hear about the champions across Queensland who are rallying in their own communities to support their neighbours, families, elders, and those most vulnerable. The opportunity is ahead of us to gather this good work together, connect it and power it up. With this goal in mind, HWQld is developing a new digital platform to support our communities by connecting people in need of assistance with those who can help locally within their own neighbourhoods. We’ll be releasing more information about how you can get involved very soon.
Helping on the frontline
HWQld is also actively supporting the broader system response by mobilising our own clinical staff to assist across a range of frontline services.
Protecting one another
Protecting the safety of our staff, partners, champions and communities means making some temporary changes to HWQld’s ways of working, including how and where we conduct our meetings and engagements.
Prioritising health and wellbeing in our lives is more important now than ever. We will get through this and we will do it together, while putting the health, wellbeing and safety of all involved first and foremost as we navigate this challenge.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
As always, we thank you for your ongoing support.
Robyn Littlewood, CEO