Gather + Grow 2023–2032 launched to improve food security in remote Queensland
The Queensland Government has released Gather + Grow 2023–2032 (the Strategy, PDF, 4.69MB) and the Gather + Grow 2023-2026 Action Plan (the Action Plan, PDF, 4.12MB). Developed by Health and Wellbeing Queensland (HWQld) in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, Gather + Grow 2023-2032 aims to improve food security in remote Queensland, which impacts at least one in three Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in remote communities in Australia.
The Strategy and Action Plan are key components of HWQld’s Gather + Grow program, which aims to coordinate local and whole-of-system change to improve food security in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, particularly in Queensland’s Far North and Lower Gulf.
Health and Wellbeing Queensland will lead the delivery of the Strategy and Action Plan through partnerships across sectors and with all tiers of government. By placing remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities at the centre of decision making and action, the Strategy and Action will create lasting change.
The Strategy outlines a whole-of-system approach to improve food security across four community-identified priority areas:
- optimising supply chain performance, resilience and logistics to ensure quality, affordable, healthy food is consistently available year-round
- improving the accessibility and availability of healthy food by creating supportive settings for sustainable local food production
- empowering communities to choose and prepare healthy food by building awareness, capability and environments for good nutrition
- supporting healthy homes that enable the use of healthy food with reliable and functional facilities and equipment (for example, working fridges and cooktops).
HWQld Chief Executive, Dr Robyn Littlewood, said Gather + Grow 2023–2032 was developed through years of extensive and ongoing engagement, and will deliver real outcomes with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
‘We are delighted the Queensland Government is launching Gather + Grow 2023–2032. This is an important step in our journey towards a healthier, fairer future for Queensland, starting with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in the Far North and Lower Gulf,’ Dr Littlewood said.
‘We thank everyone involved in the development of Gather + Grow 2023–2032, especially Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities who co-led its development. We will continue ongoing engagement to get this right for Queensland and work in partnership with communities to achieve food security, together.
‘The launch of the Strategy and Action Plan signals the next phase in Queensland’s journey towards food security. To make this happen, we will be guided by the community to create change that is meaningful and sustainable.
Food security in remote Queensland is a long-standing priority of the Queensland Government and an issue of national significance. Gather + Grow 2023-2032 will help progress the Queensland Government’s commitment to the National Agreement on Closing the Gap and Making Tracks towards closing the gap in health outcomes for Indigenous Queenslanders by 2033.’
Gather + Grow 2023–2032 is a key component of HWQld’s Gather + Grow program to improve food security in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Far North Queensland and the Lower Gulf.
If you have questions about Gather + Grow 2023-2032, or are interested in working with us to progress food security, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us at
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