Remember, wellbeing can be simple. Easy peasy tips from Queenslandher Origin legends

The last month has been a challenging one for Queenslanders. Staying healthy has never been more top of mind, yet keeping active, eating well and just generally looking after ourselves can be a genuine challenge when routines are turned upside down.
In our most recent Queenslandher campaign, we looked to the female sporting leaders of our state, for health and wellbeing inspiration. Their advice was very simple and a timely reminder that staying well, is not rocket science. There are things you can do daily, no matter what your routine throws at you, to keep your health and wellbeing on a high.
So, do one thing for yourself today, and consider these daily health and wellbeing tips, from some super impressive Origin legends.
Ali Brigginshaw, Harvey Norman Maroons Captain and Halfback:
“You don’t need a gym membership, just head outside”
Running definitely keeps my mind fit. Being out in the fresh air, seeing cars drive and birds fly past. Being able to have something that’s not Rugby League focused gives me a different focus to everyday life.
You don’t have to have all of these fancy gyms and all of the memberships. You can just walk outside your door and you can put your runners on and go out for a run.
Tazmin Gray, Harvey Norman Maroons, Second Row:
“I know it’s hard, but you can choose to make nutrition a priority”
Nutrition is a massive part of our lives. I play rugby league so I have to eat certain foods and keep on top of things but at the same time I know as a mum it can be hard just make it a priority. If you have to prepare meals in advance for the week to come, just do it. Make that your priority for the whole household.
Julia Robinson, Harvey Norman Maroons, Winger:
“If you can, go to bed early”
Getting a good night’s sleep makes all of the difference in the world. You feel more energised and capable. When it hits 9 o’clock, my body just says yep, you’re ready for bed now. Sleep makes me feel so much more energised throughout the day so I can have a good training session or game.