Community members join Her Excellency for yoga on the lawn

Community members from throughout Brisbane, including representatives from partner organisation The Yoga Partnership, joined in Yoga on the Lawn hosted by Her Excellency, Dr Jeanette Young, Governor of Queensland, at Government House, on Tuesday 10 June 2024.
The event, held under sunny blue skies, was a timely reminder about why being active and connecting with nature is so important for our health.
Spending time in nature has great benefits for both your physical and mental wellbeing, including mood enhancement and stress reduction. It also has wider health benefits like helping to strengthen your immune system and lowering your blood pressure.

Yoga is a perfect activity that can be done outdoors and it is a low-risk physical activity that caters for everyone. There are no specific requirements to participate, and yoga can be adapted to meet the needs of any individual – male or female, young or old, physically fit or not.
Health and Wellbeing Queensland Chief Executive, Dr Robyn Littlewood, said physical activity was great to boost general health and wellbeing because it flooded your body with feel-good chemicals (endorphins and serotonin), which can improve your mood, lift your energy and promote better sleep.
‘Engaging in physical activities with others, whether as a shared experience or in a group, also helps build social connections, which further protects your mental wellbeing,’ Dr Littlewood said.
‘Low-risk physical activity, like yoga, also has a direct impact on our overall health and wellbeing, including decreasing our risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes.’
Dr Littlewood warmly thanked The Yoga Partnership for the Yoga on the Lawn session and its commitment to providing yoga and mindfulness to all Queenslanders, including those in rural Queensland.
‘I am pleased to announce our support of The Yoga Partnership to deliver yoga to rural and regional Queensland through a 3-year sponsorship which provides ongoing yoga and mindfulness for those living in rural Queensland,’ Dr Littlewood said.
Last year, Health and Wellbeing Queensland sponsored a Rural Yoga Roadshow in southern and central western Queensland. This new partnership includes a Roadshow, scheduled for 2025, and ensures free online yoga classes continue for people from across all corners of the state.
‘The free online Yoga and Mindfulness Program and Roadshow aligns with our objective of empowering Queenslanders to live a healthier life, no matter who they are or where they live,’ Dr Littlewood said.
‘These online classes address health inequities by delivering yoga to people who would not have access to a regular class, due to being rurally located.’
‘We are pleased to continue supporting The Yoga Partnership to reach regional Queensland communities and provide them with the opportunity to take part in mindful physical activity.’
Community events, like Yoga on the Lawn, were developed by the Office of the Governor and Health and Wellbeing Queensland, as part of Her Excellency’s patronage of Health and Wellbeing Queensland, and her Excellency’s priority as Governor to encourage a healthy and active Queensland.