Brisbane 2032 Olympics to advance the health and wellbeing of Queenslanders by shining a light on physical activity

It’s official. Brisbane will be the host city for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games and Health and Wellbeing Queensland is ready, willing and able to support our beautiful state in the lead up to this event.
The Brisbane Olympics will run in the Summer of 2032, yet the lead up and preparation of our sportspeople over the next decade will create a generational health shift by inspiring us all to be more active.
Health and Wellbeing Queensland has been established at the just the right time to support such an outstanding opportunity for Queenslanders with plans to motivate, support and inspire every community, every age group and everyone to MAKE HEALTHY HAPPEN.
Health and Wellbeing Queensland Chief Executive Dr Robyn Littlewood said she was ecstatic with the spotlight the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games would shine on the value of physical activity and wellbeing.
“Our sportspeople can be powerful role models for healthy and active lifestyles,” she said.
“To compete at the level required of Olympic competition, sportspeople must be disciplined in body and mind and good nutrition and regular training plays a vital role.”
“No doubt, as we go on the journey with athletes from across the world in the lead up to the Games, we will gain insight into what drives them, what keeps them going, and be reminded countless times that motivation lies on the other side of getting active,” she said.
Queensland has a strong connection to sporting events and with 28 sports proposed to be held across Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast and the Gold Coast for the 2032 Olympics, there’s sure to be something for everyone.
“Participation in organised sport and physical activity is a great way to get children healthy and active. The benefits go beyond physical health, to building social connections, teamwork, and self-esteem.”
“We know that 2 in 3 Queensland adults—that’s most of us—and 1 in 4 Queensland children are living with overweight or obesity. In the 1960s, it was 1-2 in 100. We also know that less than a third of Australians are not getting enough physical activity to benefit their health” said Dr Littlewood.
“The Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games will act as a call to action for the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to consider how a health and wellbeing strategy may be implemented in this decade-lead up to the Games, as another way to add value to its host city, engage Queenslanders and leave a lasting positive legacy.”
“A health and wellbeing strategy linked to the games can bring together a range of health and wellbeing expertise and programs: some we’re created and others from across the state and the country, to implement genuinely impactful and sustainable health and wellbeing.”
“It will be an opportunity to partner with sports, active travel and recreation agencies, the arts, and workplaces to create new opportunities for Queenslanders to move more and make physical activity a part of their daily lives.”
“HWQld is committed to partnerships that optimise the investment in these Games to ensure not only a world class celebration of sport, but also to leverage the unique focus on physical activity and wellbeing it can deliver as a lasting legacy to Queensland.
One-third of the disease burden in Queensland is preventable and preventive actions, when implemented well, are more effective, less expensive and have a greater population impact than treating and managing chronic disease, such as obesity.
“Queensland is already investing in prevention, with the evidence telling us this is a critical positive move for our population due to its known benefits, not only for individuals and communities, but also for the health system and economy,” said Dr Littlewood.
“I believe we can make a real step towards change in our nation’s health and wellbeing and the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games can be a major catalyst.”