Quick lunch-break workout

Struggling to find time in the day to move more? This mini-workout can be completed during your lunch break, or you can even try splitting it up into smaller bouts of 5-10minutes of activity throughout your day. For extra fun, complete with a work colleague.

If you have been inactive for a while, have heart disease, or any other major health problems, injuries or are pregnant, please check with your GP, an Accredited Exercise Physiologist or other health professional before following this workout.

Quick lunch-break workout

1. Step up knee lifts

Recommended Repetitions: 15-20 repetitions each leg

Step up knee lifts
  1. Position one foot on a step, keeping it here throughout the entire movement
  2. Step up with the opposite leg and, without touching the step, bend your knee and bring it up towards your chest
  3. Step straight back down again, and bring other foot off the step, returning both feet down to the ground
  4. Repeat on opposite leg

2. Advanced jumping jacks

Recommended Repetitions: 20-30 repetitions

Advanced jumping jacks
  1. With your feet wide, lower into squat
  2. Extend your arms out to the sides of your shoulders, palms facing up
  3. Jump out of the squat, bringing your feet together and clap your hands overhead

3. Lateral hops

Recommended Repetitions: 20-30 repetitions

Lateral hops
  1. Keeping your feet hip distance apart, jump from side to side, jumping over an imaginary obstacle
  2. Land with soft knees
  3. Try to remain on the balls of your feet

4. Fast step ups

Recommended Repetitions: Repeat sequence for 60-90 seconds

Fast step ups
  1. Complete quick step-ups, using alternating legs with each step up. Tip - use the bottom step of your home stairs. Choose a higher step to make this more difficult

5. Side to side lunge with punches

Recommended Repetitions: 10-15 repetitions each leg

Side to side lunge with punches
  1. Begin facing forward and pivot to the right
  2. Step your right leg back as you bend your right knee into a lunge
  3. Punch forward with your left arm then your right arm
  4. Step back to the middle and turn to the left, taking your left leg back and your right arm forward in a punch followed by your left arm
  5. Continue alternating sides, moving quickly
  6. To make harder, lunge deeper or add a jump in the middle

6. Squat reach and jump

Recommended Repetitions: 10-15 repetitions

Squat reach and jump
  1. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and perform a squat by bending at the knees to lower yourself downwards
  2. Tip: Your knees should not pass over your toes
  3. From the squat position, straighten and jump upwards, reaching both arms forward

7. Superman

Recommended Repetitions: 10-15 repetitions

  1. Start on your hands and knees, with your back straight and core muscles activated
  2. Keeping your hips low, simultaneously raise your right arm and left leg, straightening at your elbow and knee
  3. Pause then lower to the starting position before alternating sides