Push ups on bench/wall/floor

Recommended Repetitions: 10-­15  repetitions

Push ups on bench/wall/floor
  1. Position hands shoulder width apart on floor, knees bent, ankles crossed
  2. Bending at elbows, lower yourself down 
  3. Keep back straight and core engaged
  4. Push back up, straightening elbows. Tip - you can also complete this exercise on a bench or against a wall 

Warm up, cool down and stretch

Before you get into your workout it’s important to warm up. Just five minutes of light activity is all you need. Things like:

  • Walking
  • Jogging on the spot
  • Pumping your arms
  • Shoulder rolls
  • Controlled punches
  • Circular ‘windmill’ arm movements in the air.

After your workout, cool down by following any of the above activities, again for five minutes. This is also a great time to stretch your muscles holding each stretch for 20-30 seconds. Make sure you hold at a point where you can feel the stretch but you shouldn’t feel discomfort or pain. Don’t bounce through these, just slow steady movements.

Disclaimer: If you have been inactive for a while, have heart disease, or a close relative with heart disease or if you have other major health problems, or are pregnant, please check with your doctor before following these workouts.