A Better Choice

Co-designed and tested for sport and recreation

A Better Choice

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How the A Better Choice Strategy for Sport and Recreation was developed

The strategy was developed in partnership with the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport and co-designed with the state’s sport and recreation sector.

The co-design process involved in-depth consultation and testing of resources with sporting clubs and venues to better understand the current food environment, and challenges and enablers for providing healthier food and drinks.

Download the consultation summary (PDF, 145 KB)

View the strategy

Testing resources

Large venues

Health and Wellbeing Queensland worked with Australian Catering Services and Netball Queensland to promote healthy options available at Nissan Arena during the 2023 Firebirds season. The healthy options promoted included two new healthy meal deals that encouraged patrons to pick the healthier options to be a healthy supporter.

Sporting clubs

Resources were tested by four local sporting clubs in Queensland. Read more about the changes they made and how.

Last updated 18 December 2023