The information below is designed to assist you with your grant application. If you have any queries that are not covered in this document, please contact us via email at grants@hw.qld.gov.au
Online application forms and information to assist in completing these forms are accessible from the Health and Wellbeing Queensland Grants page of our website.
SmartyGrants is a software used by HWQld to capture the information needed from our grant applicants. For technical support specifically related to SmartyGrants, view their Help Guide or contact us at grants@hwqld.gov.au.
Please refer to the Eligibility section of the grant Guidelines to determine whether you meet the eligibility requirements of the funding rounds. If you are still unsure, please contact us at grants@hw.qld.gov.au.
Only organisations that are currently operating within Queensland, and have been for the last 12 months, delivering services or support to the Queensland community, have not-for-profit objectives and are community-based, can apply for a grant. Refer to the Eligibility section of the grant Guidelines for further information.
No. In order to maintain fairness and the integrity of the application process, HWQld cannot provide applicants with individual assistance to develop their applications for funding.
Please refer to the grant writing tips for more information on applying for funding.
Yes. Closing times and dates for each of our grant rounds are strictly enforced. Grant applications (EOIs and Full Applications) must be submitted online by 4:00 pm AEST on the closing date. Refer to the Guidelines for Key Dates.
Under the GenQ Health and Wellbeing Impact grants, there is no limit on how many grant applications can be submitted provided each application is for a different initiative, with different goals, objectives and activities.
Under the GenQ Health and Wellbeing Community grants, an organisation may submit up to two (2) grant applications. However, each application must be for a different initiative, with different goals, objectives and activities.
If unsuccessful, the applicant may ask for general feedback within one month of being advised of the outcome. HWQld will endeavour to provide feedback within one month of the request, with the timeframe being dependent on the number of applications received.
If unsuccessful at the EOI stage, the applicant will have the opportunity to re-apply at the next applicable grant round.
For applications that progressed to Stage 2 of the application process, but were not successful, more detailed feedback will be provided depending on the volume of applications received.
Once you have submitted your application in SmartyGrants, you will receive an automated email acknowledging your application.
We may contact you to request further information if required but otherwise, EOI applications (Stage 1) will be reviewed by our Selection Advisory Panel and shortlisted to proceed to Stage 2 of the application process. An email will be sent to you to inform you of the outcome of your application (unsuccessful or shortlisted to Stage 2).
For full applications invited to be submitted, you will receive an automated email acknowledging your application has been received and you may be contacted for further information if required. Following the independent review of your application and recommendation by our Selection Advisory Panel, we will contact you via email to inform you of the outcome of your application.
If you choose to withdraw your application after submitting it in SmartyGrants, you will need to send an email requesting the withdrawal to grants@hw.qld.gov.au. In your email, please provide your application number and the name of the funding round you want to withdraw from and a short explanation.
Once an application has been submitted, it cannot be changed.
However, if you wish to make small changes such as change of organisation’s contact details, please contact grants@hw.qld.gov.au so that we can do this for you.
If you wish to make substantial changes to your application form and the grant round is still open, you can submit another application form during the application open period. If you have submitted a second application for the same project/initiative, only the latest application will be considered.
Please refer to the Key Dates outlined in the Guidelines, indicating an approximate time when outcomes will be announced.
HWQld is unable to provide information on the status of individual applications during the assessment process. You will be notified of the outcome of your grant application by email.
A decision made about funding in a HWQld selection process is final.
We will endeavour to provide general feedback to applicants who were not successful at the EOI stage (Stage 1 of the application process). This feedback will be around eligibility and alignment to the scheme’s objectives.
For applications that progressed to Stage 2 of the application process, but were not successful, more detailed feedback will be provided depending on the volume of applications we receive.
You can request between $5,000 and up to $20,000 (excl. GST) under the GenQ Health and Wellbeing Community Grants scheme and up to $200,000 (excl. GST) under the GenQ Health and Wellbeing Impact Grants scheme.
The total allocation of funding for each scheme will be decided on completion of the selection process and will depend on the number and quality of applications received. HWQld will support a range of initiatives of varying amounts of funding and timeframes.
For Community Grant applicants we recognise that some overhead and administrative costs may be directly attributable to the projects or activities being funded. In such cases, we will consider funding these expenses to a reasonable level.
In the case of universities applying for research funding under the Impact Grant scheme, we expect that overheads will be provided as an in-kind contribution.
Refer to the Eligibility section of the Guidelines for more information on what the grant funding can be used for.
Any attachments to your application form not specifically requested in the application form will not be considered as part of the assessment process. The application form will allow you to add attachments at the point in time you are responding to the question in the application.
Applicants must provide attachments specifically requested in the online application form. Attachments must be either Word or PDF format and be clearly named. Attachments cannot be used to expand the word limits in addressing selection criteria. Information provided in the form of an attachment and which was not requested in the Application form will not be considered.
We do not fund retrospectively – we will not fund projects that have already started. We do not fund ongoing costs (e.g. service delivery, administration costs, etc), however, we may consider applications for strategic expansions of existing programs or new/innovative additions to an existing project/initiative. Refer to the Eligibility section of the Guidelines for additional information on ineligible grant activities.
Any applications received after the closing date and time will be considered a late application. HWQld has the right to reject a request to submit an application after the closing date and time of the grant round.
However, HWQld may consider re-opening the grant round in SmartyGrants for late lodgement of an application if it determines that there were exceptional circumstances beyond the applicant’s control resulting in an inability to meet the stipulated deadline. Examples of exceptional circumstances could include, but may not be limited to*:
• SmartyGrants technical issues which resulted in applicant not being able to submit the application form
• Natural disasters
• Power outages affecting the ability of the applicant to submit their application by the stipulated deadline.
All requests for the lodgement of late applications must be made in writing to grants@hw.qld.gov.au no later than 24 hours after the original closing date and time. If HWQld does not receive a written request to consider a late application, the application may be deemed ineligible.
HWQld is not obliged to consider a late application. The decision to accept or reject a late application will be final and not be subject to an appeals process.
* Any other proposed incidents of exceptional circumstances, other than those listed above, will be considered by HWQld on a case-by-case basis.
Questions about HWQld grants should be directed to grants@hw.qld.gov.au.
If your grant application is successful, a member of the Grants team will contact you to provide you with a letter of award, a copy of the funding terms and instructions on next steps.
For recipients of the GenQ Community grant, a copy of the Community Grant Terms can be found here.
For recipients of the GenQ Impact grant, a copy of the Research Grant Agreement can be found here.
More information on what to expect before the start of your initiative, during your initiative and at grant closeout can be found in Section 5 of the Guidelines for each scheme.
Last updated 25 July 2024